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LCD Heavy Norm Fast Deli Hardware Output
EU Off Off Off On Exhaust Valve
FU Off Off On Off Fill Water Valve
dd Off Off On On Detergent Diverter Valve
LS Off On Off Off Lid Seal Pump
rd Off On Off On Rinse Aid Dispenser (dispenses
current setting)
P1 Off On On Off Motor Wash direction
(2300-2850 rpm)
P2 Off On On On Motor Drain direction
(4200 rpm)
dF On Off Off Off DC drying fan (On
100% duty)
Er On Off Off On Element Relay
‘temp’ On Off On Off Displays current water
WARNING : As there is no protection in this mode it is possible to turn the element
on with no water in the tub. It is advisable to avoid turning on the element without
water in the tub.
NB : No Fault codes will come up while in diagnostics mode.
Tub Open Microswitch Test: At any time during HO test mode the Rinse red LED
indicates the tub position. On = Open, Off = Closed.
Note : There maybe a short delay (up to 0.5sec) from when the tub has changed state
to the position that is indicated on the LED. This is due the communication delays
between the two micro-controllers.
4.3.12 Continuous Cycle Life Test Mode
In this mode the dishwasher can be run continuously in any wash cycle. Once the cycle
has finished, the dishwasher automatically restarts the same wash cycle.
The LCD is Red backlight and display CC. The touchswitch panel is -
Red Red __ Red Red.
To exit diagnostic mode push Power.
To initiate a continuous cycle press Start/Pause. The dishwasher will enter standby
mode. Choose the required cycle and operate the dishwasher as normal. Continuous
cycling can be canceled at any time by pushing the Power button, or removing the
mains power. Continuous cycling is indicated by the backlight alternating between
green and orange.
In continuous cycle a delay occurs when a cycle has finished before the next cycle
starts. This delay is currently 1 min. During this time the LCD displays a finish cycle
display, and the backlight alternates between RED and OFF.