Detergent quantities
The detergent quantities recommended below are for individual drawers.
Water type Wash program Detergent quantities
main wash
Hard (>150ppm or >9gpg) All* 2 6
(100-150ppm or 6-9gpg) All* 2 4
(<100ppm or <6gpg) Heavy
*No detergent is required in the pre wash compartment for the fast wash program.
Hard water situations
If you live in a hard water situation, we
recommend the installation of a household
water softener to improve the water quality,
detergent effectiveness and prevent the
build up of calcium deposits on dishes and
in the DishDrawer®.
Certain brands of dishwasher detergent
contain varying quantities of phosphates,
which help soften water. We suggest
you use a detergent with high phosphate
content to improve the wash. The detergent
compartments need to be completely FULL
and rinse agent is used with its setting fixed
at 5.
We recommend the use of a dishwasher
cleaner/descaler whenever you notice
a build up of calcium deposits in your
After you have used the dishwasher
cleaner/descaler you must run another
wash program with detergent to prevent
damage to the DishDrawer®.
Soft water situations
If you live in an area of naturally soft water
or your household water is softened,
avoid using too much detergent in your
DishDrawer®. An excess amount of detergent
is very aggressive on glassware and may
cause irreversible etching.
Etching is a chemical deterioration that
occurs on the surface of glassware when
it is subjected to high temperatures, too
much detergent and/or soft water situations.
Etching is caused by a combination of very
hot water, which causes the detergent to
become very aggressive, but because the
water is soft, there are no water hardness
mineral ions for the detergent to bind to,
so it extracts mineral ions directly from the
Etching looks like rainbow colored film, as
the glass is subjected to further washing the
surface will eventually appear opaque. This
type of etching is irreversible.
To prevent further etching from occurring
on glassware use less detergent (follow the
recommended detergent quantities in the
User Guide for soft water situations), and
ensure the dishwasher is not overloaded,
so water can reach all the dishes during the