Music and Calming Vibrations
• Make sure your child is properly secured in the seat.
• Slide the mode switch on the soothing unit to select music, calming vibrations
or both! Then press the power button to turn your selection on.
• Slide the mode switch to .
• Press the power button to turn music on with low volume;
press again for on with high volume; press again to turn music off.
• Slide the mode switch to .
• Press the power button to turn vibrations on; press again to
turn vibrations off.
Music and Vibrations
• Slide the mode switch to .
• Press the power button to turn vibrations on and music on
with low volume; press again to turn vibrations on and music on with high
volume; press again to turn music and vibrations off.
IMPORTANT! Change the batteries when vibrations/music will not shut off or
the soothing unit does not function properly as described in the instructions.
You will also need to change the batteries if vibrations/music from the
soothing unit become faint, or if there are no vibrations or music. Remove
the batteries from the soothing unit and dispose of them properly.Replace the
batteries with three, new “C”(LR14) alkaline batteries.
Set-Up & Use
• Be sure to press the power button AFTER making your mode selection to turn
the soothing unit on.
• Turn the soothing unit off after each use by sliding the mode switch to the
off position.
• Music and/or vibrations will shut off automatically after 10-15 minutes.To turn
them back on, press the power button.
Power Button
Mode Switch