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Rules for Safe Use
1 . Use outdoors only. Install the unit a
minimum of ten feet from
buildings and other structures.
2 . Never place fingers or insert any ob-
ject into the unit while it is operating.
3 . Always disconnect unit from its pow-
er source and wait for unit to cool
before handling, moving or servicing.
4 . This device was designed for use
with propane gas. Never attempt to
use any other fuel, including liquid
fuels or natural gas. Fire or damage
to your Flowtron PowerTrap could
r e s u l t .
5 . Always operate the unit in an up-
right position to prevent damage to
the CO
g e n e r a t o r.
6 . Do not abuse the power pack.
Never carry the power pack by its
cord or yank it to disconnect it from
a receptacle. Keep power cord away
from heat, oil and sharp edges.
7 . Never connect the unit to a
battery or other D.C. voltage. Such
an attempt will damage your unit.
8 . Store indoors when not in use.
Remove propane tank from unit be-
fore storing and store tank outdoors
in a well ventilated space.
Your Mosquito PowerTrap is site specific and place-
ment is critical for successful results. To properly lo-
cate your unit in your yard, read the accompanying
booklet “the Fine Art of Trapping Mosquitoes”
and follow its guidelines regarding trap placement,
Your Flowrtron Mosquito PowerTrap emits a plume of
octenol-enhanced carbon dioxide which mosquitoes
follow in their search for a blood meal. Mosquitoes fly
up-wind toward the source of the plume in their at-
tempt to locate a host. Since the direction of the
plume is dependent upon the direction of the wind,
your unit should be positioned so it’s
attractant outlet faces downwind.
Female mosquitoes also feed on moisture laden nec-
tar and fruit juices when not in search of a blood
meal. They are usually found in shade; around flow-
ers, trees, bushes and other vegetation; and adjacent
to standing water.
For best results locate your unit 20 to 40 feet away
from areas of human activity in a location near (but
not in) bushes, wooded areas, or adjacent to standing
water (other than swimming pools). Select a location
which will result in the carbon dioxide plume blowing
toward the area where mosquitoes are likely to hide
and emerge. A proper location will ensure that
mosquitoes encounter the plume and fo l l ow it up-
wind to the Flow t ron Mosquito Pow e r Trap befo r e
t h ey detect the presence of humans.
See Illustration 1.
Connect Propane Regulator
1 . Remove the plastic dust cover from your propane
tank valve.
2 . Screw the propane regulator coupling located on
the end of the propane hose onto the tank valve by
turning the black threaded coupling clockwise until
tight. Hand tighten only. See Illustration 4.
Note: Gas will not flow unless connection is tight.
Tighten by hand only.
Using a wrench or
other tool could
damage the regulator
coupling and could
cause a gas leak.
Illustration 1
Prevailing wind direction
P l u m e
Check for gas leaks by wetting the connec-
tions with a solution of soap and water and
watching for bubbles. If bubbles form or if a
bubble grows larger, there is a leak and
connection must be tightened.
Illustration. 4
4 . Move your unit to the
desired location in your
yard. Remove catch tray
and grasp housing as
s h o w n .
See trap “Placement” in-
structions on pg. 4.
(MT-300 series only)
(MT-300 series only)
1. Insert tank support strap
into openings in tank
stand as shown.
See Figure A.
On the underside of the
tank stand, loosen the
two hex nuts located on
the screws which extend
from the sides of the
base plate. Place the
slots at the ends of the
tank support strap over
the screws and secure
by tightening the two
nuts. See Figure B.
2. Insert one end of the
post into the post opening at the front of the tank
stand. Insert opposite end of post into the post
opening located at the bottom of the Flowtron
Mosquito PowerTrap
. Align unit in relation to the
tank stand. See Illustration 2.
Place a 20 lb. tank on the tank stand and install
tank wrap around the tank.
3. Install catch tray by first
inserting the rear of the
tray into the housing.
Then push in upper part
of the latch and raise
front of catch tray into
place. See Illustration 3.
4 . Position and screw pow-
er pack to either an out-
side or inside wall adja-
cent to a electrical outlet
(screws not provided).
Run the low voltage wire
either above or below
ground from the power
pack to the unit. plug the
low voltage wire into the
power cord connector lo-
cated at the bottom of
the Flowtron Mosquito
P o w e r Tr a p
. Plug the
power pack into the elec-
trical outlet.
See Illustration 5.
Illustration 2
illustration 3
Check for gas leaks every time you disconnect and
reconnect a gas fitting.
Be sure there are no sparks or open flame in the
area when you check for leaks.
Do not use a liquid propane tank with a damaged
valve. Have dented or rusty propane tanks checked
by your propane supplier.
Only use regulator supplied with your Flowtron
3. Place tank cap on top of tank.
Tank Stand
Tank Support
Figure B
Figure A
Base Plate
Screw & Nut
(2 places)