
The parameter is indicated by,
Cut-out reset mode parameter
Press “SET” to access the parameter setting. Normally the cut-out is set for au
tomatic mode.
Cut-out set for automatic reset
To change to manual reset mode press “UP” and then “SET”.
Cut-out set for manual reset Soak Stability
The soak stability controls the required stability of the well temperature for the
soak time (Section 8.6.3). The stability is in degrees Celsius. The default is
0.1°C. This value can be changed in the parameter menu.
8.11.3 Serial Interface Parameters
The serial RS-232 interface parameters menu is indicated by,
Serial RS-232 interface parameters menu
The serial interface parameters menu contains parameters which determine the
operation of the serial interface. These controls only apply to instruments fitted
with the serial interface. The parameters in the menu are — BAUD rate, sample
period, duplex mode, and linefeed. BAUD Rate
The BAUD rate is the first parameter in the menu. The BAUD rate setting de
termines the serial communications transmission rate.
The BAUD rate parameter is indicated by,
Serial BAUD rate parameter
Press “SET” to choose to set the BAUD rate. The current BAUD rate value will
then be displayed.
1200 b
Current BAUD rate
The BAUD rate of the serial communications may be programmed to 300, 600,
1200, or 2400 BAUD. Use “UP” or “DOWN” to change the BAUD rate value.
2400 b
New BAUD rate
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8 Controller Operation