2 Introduction
The 9112A Calibration Furnace was designed specifically for calibrating PRTs,
fiber optic sensors and thermocouples at higher temperature ranges up to
1100°C. The furnace utilizes an equilibration block capable of making compar
ison measurements on multiple probes. The standard equilibration block is
sized for ¼ inch probes, however, custom options are possible. Temperature
stability is better than ± 0.1°C throughout the range and the gradient between
wells at full insertion is less than 0.5°C (± 0.25°C).
The temperature control system utilizes a digital controller with a Type K ther
mocouple control sensor and RS-232 interface. The controller displays the set
temperature and the actual temperature simultaneously. The display shows tem
perature to the nearest degree in °C or °F (shipped in °C). The temperature is
set with convenient up and down buttons on the front panel.
Sensors being calibrated as well as the furnace itself are protected from exces
sive temperature with an over-temperature cutout. The cutout is easily adjusted
from the front panel. This device is relay operated and protects against the pos-
sibility of thermal runaway due to a shorted solid-state relay which controls the
2 Introduction