selecting either the Export or Print Table button.Enter the date exactly as it is to
appear on the report. No formatting or validation is performed on the text en
tered on this dialog. Checking the “Use current date by default” check box dis
ables the display of this dialog and uses the current date.
To view the report in a Print Preview window before sending it to the printer, or
to select the printer before printing the report, see the File|Defaults General tab.
The Print Preview window is discussed in Section 3.10.
Note: If the values in the table columns overlap when displayed in the
Print Preview window or when printed, reduce the number of decimal
places used (see Table Options – Resolutions tab) or reduce the font point
size used (see Table Options – Other Settings tab).
The Close button returns to the Coefficients and Residuals dialog if coefficients
were generated or to the TableWare main display if coefficients were entered
manually. Table options—type and range
The Type and Range tab is displayed after selecting the Type and Range tab on
the Table Options dialog.
Enabled and disabled
All controls are enabled at all times.
3 Coefficients menu
Coefficients and residuals
Figure 23 Table Options - Type and Range