
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Canadian Radio
Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regulate the use of mobile
communications systems - such as two-way radios, telephones and
theft alarms - that are equipped with radio transmitters. Any such
equipment installed in your vehicle should comply with FCC or CRTC
regulations and should be installed only by a qualified service
Mobile communications systems may harm the operation of your
vehicle, particularly if they are not properly designed for automotive
use or are not properly installed. When operated, such systems may
cause the engine to stumble or stall. In addition, such systems may be
damaged or their performance may be affected by operating your
vehicle. (Citizens band [CB] transceivers, garage door openers and
other transmitters with outputs of five watts or less will not ordinarily
affect your vehicle’s operation.)
Ford cannot assume responsibility for any adverse effects or damage
that may result from the use of such equipment.
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