
Welcome to Ford Motor Company’s
world of Sport Utility Vehicles
(SUV) and truck driving! Your new
vehicle opens up a completely
different and challenging world of
travel unlike what you have ever
experienced with a conventional car. Now, you’ll be able to travel places
where roads don’t. Most importantly, you’ll be able to travel with the
safety, comfort and dependability of a Ford-built vehicle.
The steering and handling characteristics of vehicles may vary and you
must learn and understand the capabilities and limitations of your vehicle
through experience. Take it slow and easy until you get to know and
understand your vehicle and have confidence in your ability to drive it.
Your vehicle, particularly when loaded, may handle differently than an
ordinary passenger car. This is because your vehicle has special design
and equipment features for cargo-hauling or off-road operation.
Familiarize yourself with your vehicle’s operating characteristics. Study
the “Owner’s Guide” and this supplement for specific information and
instructions for safe driving under various conditions.
All occupants should always wear the safety belts provided and
children/infants should use appropriate restraints to minimize the risk of
injury or ejection.
Driving at speeds safe for road conditions and the use of safety belts are
the best means of avoiding the possibility of accident and serious injury.
Ford Motor Company reserves the right at any time to change
information provided herein, including specifications, design or
testing procedures without incurring obligation.