E-SERIES (May, 2004) 23
202 The statements below are applicable to the following
incomplete vehicle types if the GVWR is 4536 kg
[10,000 lb] or less:
• Incomplete E-Series Van or Wagon when
equipped with front seats
• Cutaway when equipped with front seats
This vehicle when completed, will conform to Standard
202, Head Restraints, if:
• No alterations are made to the head restraints, the
seat assemblies and their anchorages, the oor pan,
or oor pan reinforcements.
• The added seat trim, on vehicles equipped with
untrimmed front seats, is installed so that the physical
dimension requirements for the head restraint, in this
Standard, are met.
Any front outboard passenger seat, added to a cutaway
equipped with the School Bus Prep Package and when
completed as a truck, MPV, or bus (not school bus),
must conform with the requirements of this Standard.
202 The statement below is applicable to the following
incomplete vehicle types if the GVWR is 4536 kg
[10,000 lb] or less:
• Incomplete E-Series Van with no front seats
• Cutaway with no front seats
• E-Series Basic (Stripped) Chassis
Conformity with Standard 202, Head Restraints, is not
substantially affected by the design of this incomplete
vehicle; accordingly, Ford Motor Company makes no
representation as to conformity with this Standard.
203 The statement below is applicable to all incomplete
vehicle types except the Basic (Stripped) Chassis if
the GVWR is 4536 kg [10,000 lb] or less:
This vehicle, when completed, will conform to Standard
203, Impact Protection for the Driver from the Steering
Control System, if the steering control system is not
removed, relocated, altered, or modied in any way and
no components or attachments are added to the steering
control system that can catch the driver’s clothing or
jewelry during normal driving maneuvers.
203 The statement below is applicable to the following
incomplete vehicle type if the GVWR is 4536 kg
[10,000 lb] or less:
• E-Series Basic (Stripped) Chassis
The Basic (Stripped) Chassis is designed by Ford Motor
Company to be completed as a walk-in van type vehicle.
Walk-in vans are exempt from the impact requirements
of Standard 203, Impact Protection for the Driver from
the Steering Control System. See walk-in van denition,
on page 5.
203 Canadian Requirements:
The preceding statements for FMVSS 203 are
appropriate compliance representations for CMVSS
203, Driver Impact Protection, if this incomplete vehicle
was manufactured for sale or use in Canada. In such
a case, the Basic (Stripped) Chassis will comply if no
components or attachments are added to the steering
control system that can catch the driver’s clothing or
jewelry during normal driving maneuvers.
Refer to the Design Recommendation section of the Ford
Truck Body Builders Layout Book for Second Unit Body
Attachment information that may aid in designing second
unit bodies and their attachments to be compatible with
E-Series vehicles.
204 The statements below are applicable to all incomplete
vehicle types except the Basic (Stripped) Chassis
if the GVWR is 4536 kg [10,000 lb] or less and the
Unloaded Vehicle Weight, when completed, is 2495
kg [5,500 lb] or less:
This vehicle, when completed, will conform to Standard
204, Steering Control Rearward Displacement, if:
• No components are added which could inuence the
rearward displacement of the steering column.
• The steering column, steering intermediate and
coupling shaft, steering wheel, steering gear, steering
linkage, related structural components, and attaching
hardware, as installed by Ford Motor Company, are
not removed, relocated, altered, or modied in any
• No alteration or modications are made to the body
chassis, drivetrain, or front suspension from the
B-pillar forward.
204 The statement below is applicable to the following
incomplete vehicle type if the GVWR is 4536 kg
[10,000 lb] or less and the Unloaded Vehicle Weight,
when completed, is 2495 kg [5,500 lb] or less:
• E-Series Basic (Stripped) Chassis
The Basic (Stripped) Chassis is designed by Ford Motor
Company to be completed as a walk-in van type vehicle.
Walk-in vans are exempt from the requirements of
Standard 204, Steering Control Rearward Displacement.
See walk-in van denition, on page 5.