E-SERIES (May, 2004)22
• The horizontal center of gravity for the SUB is:
– At or forward of the rear axle centerline. The
vertical center of gravity for the completed vehicle
at Unloaded Vehicle Weight + 397 lb passenger load
CGv (Equation A) must not exceed 36.0 inches,
when measured from the ground.
– Behind the rear axle centerline. The vertical center
of gravity for the completed vehicle at Unloaded
Vehicle Weight + 400 lb passenger load must
fall within the appropriate range determined from
Table E, page 16. The value of CGh (Equation B),
which approximates the horizontal center of gravity
of the completed vehicle, is used in Table E, to
determine the vertical center of gravity limits for the
completed vehicle. The value CGv (Equation A),
which approximates the vertical center of gravity
of the completed vehicle, must fall within the
appropriate range determined from Table E.
If any of the above mentioned components (including
front seats) are added to the incomplete vehicle by a
subsequent stage manufacturer, these components
must conform to the requirements of Standard 201
where applicable. When front seats are installed on an
Incomplete E-Series Van or Cutaway the installed seat
must be located within the dimensional specications
for the Seating Reference Point and the torso angle as
specied in Figure C page 32.
Because conformity of a completed vehicle to the seat
back requirements of this standard is dependent upon
the location of a seat installed by a subsequent stage
manufacturer to the rear of another seat, Ford Motor
Company makes no representation as to compliance
of a completed vehicle to the seat back requirements if
such a seat is installed.
If a vehicle is equipped with a Passenger Side Air Bag
Delete Option a RH passenger seat should never be
installed. If such a seat is installed Ford Motor Company
makes no representation as to the compliance of the
completed vehicle to Standard 201.
201 The statement below is applicable to the following
incomplete vehicle type if the GVWR is 4536 kg
[10,000 lb] or less:
• E-Series Basic (Stripped) Chassis
Conformity with Standard 201, Occupant Protection in
Interior Impact, is not substantially affected by the design
of this incomplete vehicle; accordingly, Ford Motor
Company makes no representation as to conformity
with this standard.
201U U.S. Requirements (Section S6):
The statements below are applicable to incomplete
vehicles with a GVWR of 4536 kg [10,000 lbs] or less,
excluding buses with a GVWR more than 3860 kg
[8510 lbs] and the Basic (Stripped) Chassis completed
as a walk-in van type truck (which are exempt from
the requirement):
This vehicle when completed, will conform to Standard
201U, Occupant Protection in Interior Impact - Upper
Interior head Impact Protection, if the following components
as provided by Ford Motor Company, are not removed,
relocated, altered, modied or additions added to the:
• A, B, Rear, or other Pillar and Trim, and Assist
• Seat Belt ‘D’-Rings/Adjusters and ‘D’-Ring Covers
• Front or Rear Header and Trim
• Side Rails and Trim
• Upper Roof and Trim
If any of the above components are added to the
incomplete vehicle by a subsequent stage manufacturer,
these components must conform to the requirements of
Standard 201U where applicable.
+ CG
+ 25P
+ W
x WB
P x CG
201 The statements below are applicable to incomplete
vehicles with a GVWR of 4536 kg [10,000 lb] or less,
but excluding the Basic (Stripped) Chassis:
This vehicle, when completed, will conform to Standard
201, Occupant Protection in Interior Impact, (excluding
U.S. Requirements Section S6 addressed separately)
if the following components, as provided by Ford Motor
Company, are not removed, relocated, altered, or
modied in any way:
• Instrument panel
• Interior compartment doors
• Sun visors
• Arm rests
Seat backs of front seats installed by Ford Motor
Company are designed to meet the seat back
requirements of Standard 201. The seat mounted
armrest on an untrimmed front seat must be completed
so as to meet the requirements of this Standard.