
5F-SERIES (March, 2005)
The Statements of Conformity section, which begin on page 10
of this manual, lists the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
in effect on the date of manufacture of this incomplete vehicle
that are applicable to the type(s) of completed vehicles into
which this incomplete vehicle may be manufactured. This
date is shown on the label affixed to the cover of this manual.
These statements, in most cases, apply to specific types of
incomplete or completed vehicles and identify GVWR and
UVW weight ranges.
The incomplete vehicle type is identified by the 5th, 6th, and
7th digits of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN); see page
6. The completed vehicle types to which this incomplete vehicle
may appropriately be completed is printed on the label, under
the heading “May Be Completed As,” that is affixed to the cover
of this document. The Completed Vehicle Types chart on page
7 identifies how various incomplete vehicles with an Optional
Prep Packages or a Trim Code, may be completed.
Each statement of conformity is identified by a safety standard
number located at the left margin. Because there may be
multiple statements of conformity for each safety standard,
use care to select the appropriate statement. Unique CMVSS
requirements will be identified at the conclusion of the
representations for a particular safety standard.
Compliance statements provided in this manual are of the
three following types:
Type I A statement that the vehicle, when completed,
will conform to the standard if no alterations are
made in identified components of the incomplete
Type II A statement of specific conditions of final
manufacture under which the incomplete vehicle
manufacturer specifies that the completed vehicle
will conform to the standard.
Type III A statement of conformity with the standard is
not substantially affected by the design of the
incomplete vehicle, and that the incomplete vehicle
manufacturer makes no representation as to
conformity with the standard.
Information in this section is provided pursuant to Title 49, Code
of Federal Regulations, Part 568 – “Vehicles Manufactured in
Two or More Stages”, and Section 6 of the Canadian Motor
Vehicle Safety Regulations (CMVSR) – “Vehicles Manufactured
in Stages.” Part 568 specifies that Final Stage Manufacturers
must complete vehicles in compliance with all applicable
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and affix a label to
each incomplete vehicle that is completed in accordance with
49CFR567.5. Section 6.6 of the CMVSR provides labeling
requirements for vehicles that are to be sold in Canada.
Each Chassis Cab (see definition on page 3) manufactured by
Ford Motor Company has a label affixed to the driver-door lock
pillar that identifies the following:
The specific Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards to which
the Chassis Cab conforms, as of the date of manufacture.
The specific Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards to which
the Chassis Cab will conform when completed as specified
in this manual.
The date of manufacture (month/year) of the Chassis Cab
by Ford Motor Company.
VSO vehicles can be identified by a six digit number with the
letters VSO below the digits in the lower right corner of the
Incomplete Vehicle Information label which is affixed to the
driver-door lock pillar. See the sample label on page 6.
The Statements of Conformity section of this manual includes
compliance representations for certain VSO vehicles. These
vehicles are identified in the chart on page 7.
Throughout this manual you will find references to information
found in the Ford Truck Body Builders Layout Book. Additional
Design Recommendations and specifications are also provided
to assist subsequent stage manufacturers in completing
chassis cab and incomplete vehicles. To obtain a free copy
of this publication on CD-ROM or to receive an order form
for additional CD-ROM’s or books please visit our website at
www.fleet.ford.com/truckbbas. Under Publications select Body
Builders Order Forms. All dealer requests can be handled
online. All other U.S. orders should be faxed to (734) 713-2971.
Canadian orders should be faxed to (905) 670-0844.
The Ford Truck Body Builder Advisory Service may be
consulted regarding information contained in this manual.
Call (877) 840-4338
Fax (313) 594-2633
E-Mail bbasqa@ford.com or at the BBAS website
Include your name, company and telephone number with all
inquiries. If requesting written materials or a CD-ROM, include
your mailing address.
To rely on the compliance representations in this manual,
the incomplete vehicles must be completed as one of the
completed vehicle types designated on the label affixed
to the cover of this manual, and must not exceed the
specified GVWR, GAWRs, or the Unloaded Vehicle Weight
limits when specified in this manual.