2. Press red colour key to pop up the Edit TP
Frequency, Symbol rate: Press
keys to add or reduce by step one. Or press
numeric keys (0-9) to input the desired
value. The range of the frequency is 3000-
13450, while the range of the symbol rate is
1000~45000. The inputted value is beyond
this range, the value will return to the origin
Polarity: Press keys to switch between
Vertical and Horizontal.
3. Press green colour key to pop up the Add
TP window. Since the same operation as the
above Edit TP window, here we don't explain
any more.
4. Press yellow colour key to pop up
dialogue " Are you sure to delete?". Press
OK key at the Yes button to delete the
selected TP, or press EXIT key to cancel the
5. Press blue colour key to pop up the TP
Search window.
FTA only, Scan Channel, Network Search:
Press keys to select the proper
Press OK key at the OK button to start