Control Panel
The hood can be switched on pushing directly onto the requested speed
without firstly having to select 0/1 button.
L 0/1 Light Turns lighting on and off.
T1 0/1 Motor on First speed.
When pressed for about 1 seconds
the motor is switched off.
T2 Speed on Second speed.
T3 Speed on Third speed.
T4 Speed Fixed Max. speed
Flashing Intensive speed.
Suitable for the strongest cooking
vapours and odours. The function
becomes active when the button is
pushed for about 2 seconds. After
10 minutes of functioning it turns
off automatically. This function
can be interrupted by means of
pressing any of the buttons.
S1 Led Fixed Indicates that the Metal grease fil-
ters saturation alarm has been trig-
gered, and the filters need to be
washed. The alarm is triggered af-
ter 100 working hours. (Reset;
check the Maintenance-paragraph)
Flashing indicates that the activated char-
coal odour filter saturation alarm
has been triggered, and the filter
has to be replaced; the metal grease
filters must also be washed. The
activated charcoal odour filter is
triggered after 200 working hours.
(Activation and Reset; check the