Main Keys
Conjugates a word.
Toggles the entry language between
English and French.
Goes to the Dictionary.
Goes to the Learning Exercises menu.
Goes to the Traveller’s Phrases.
Toggles between the Databank and
the Calculator. From the Calculator,
goes to the Converter when M is
Toggles between Home and World
Goes to the main menu.
Function Keys
In the dictionary, goes to the Entry
screen. In the Calculator, clears all
entries. In the Converter and
Databank, goes to the main menu.
Backs up, erases a letter, or turns
off the highlight at an entry.
Shifts to type capital letters and
punctuation marks.
Enters a word, selects an item, or
begins a highlight in an entry.
Displays a help message.
Turns the unit on or off.
Key Guide
Congratulations on your purchase of the BFQ-470! With this dictionary you can find thousands of
entries, correct misspellings, save words to My Word List, sharpen your spelling and increase your
vocabulary with learning exercises, and get inflection information and grammar help. You can also
set local and world times using the Clocks and store names and numbers using the Databank.