Battery Precautions
• Ifthedeviceisnotusedforalong
period of time, the battery may
lose its charge. Please recharge
the battery following the steps
described above in order to use your
• Rechargeablebatteriesareonlyto
be charged under adult supervision.
• Useonlythesuppliedchargersto
recharge the battery. Improperly
charging a battery may damage it or
the device.
• Openthedeviceonlytoinsert
or change the battery. All other
changes to this device are strictly
prohibited and will invalidate the
• Leavingthebatteryinhotorcold
places, such as in a closed car in
summer or winter conditions, will
reduce the capacity and lifetime of
the battery. Always try to keep the
battery between 15°C and 25°C (59°F
and 77°F). A device with a hot or cold
battery may not work temporarily,
even when the battery is fully
• Donotdisposeofbatteriesina
re as they may explode. Batteries
may also explode if damaged.
Dispose of batteries according to
local regulations. Do not dispose as
household waste.
Your device is designed to be light,
compact, and durable. However, it is an
electronic device and must be treated
carefully. Putting unnecessary pressure
on it or striking the device against other
objects can cause damage.
In order to avoid damage to your
device, please:
• Keepthedeviceintheincludedslip
case when you are not using it. This
will help protect the screen from
• Donotdrop,crush,bend,orapply
excessive force to the device.
• Donotexposeyourdeviceto
moisture, extreme or prolonged
heat, cold, humidity, or other adverse
conditions. Avoid storing it in damp,
humid, or wet places. The device is
not waterproof.
• Cleanthedevicebysprayingamild
glass cleaner onto a cloth and wiping
its surface. Do not spray liquids
directly on your device.
• Shouldthedevice’sdisplayglass
break, properly dispose of the
product avoiding contact with
your skin, then wash your hands
• Pleasekeepscreenprotectorsand
plastic bags away from babies
and children to avoid danger of
Product Care
Battery Information