Welcome to the world of Franklin. This Franklin
model is a powerful, electronic reference with a
built-in book, plus one slot in the back for a
book card*. With the Harrap’s Shorter
Dictionnaire français-anglais, you can:
• find translations of thousands of words, most
of which contain parts of speech and usage
• conjugate words quickly and easily;
• let state-of-the-art spell correction help you
find the word you’re looking for;
• hear the pronunciation of English headwords
and travellers’ phrases;
• see an English word’s synonyms, antonyms,
and other related words using Franklin’s
built-in English Thesaurus;
• use the Grammar Guide, a comprehensive
outline of English grammar;
• learn a new word every time you turn the unit
* Book cards are not included in this product. You may be able to
find them at retail stores or from our Web site: www.franklin.com/fr.