Troubleshooting Guide
replace it.
replace it.
Loose set screw Tighten it.
Worn bearings If knockin g sounds continue when running or
loose, replace the motor. If the motor hums or
noise appear s to be internal while running,
replace motor.
replace the terminal. If the wires are discon-
nected, refer to wiring diagram for identification,
and replace the wires. Check the wire connections;
If not according to the wiring diagram, correct
the connections.
Thermistor Check the TEMP control. If not at the lowest
number, set TEMP control to this setting and
restart the unit.
Check the continuity of the thermistor. Replace
the thermistor if the circuit is open.
Check the continuity of the thermostat. Replace
the thermostat if the circuit is open.
Capacitor (discharge Check the capacitor.
capacitor before Replace if not within ±10% of manufacturer’s
servicing.) rating, replac e if shorted, open, or damaged.
Compressor Check the compressor for open circuit or
ground. If open or grounded, replace the
Check the compressor overload if externally mounted.
Replace if open. (If the compressor temperature is
high, remove the overload, cool, and retest.)
Service Manual 24