Plenum assembly Diffuser with directional louvers used
to direct the conditioned airfl ow.
Blower wheel Attaches to the indoor side of the fan motor
shaft and is used for distributing unconditioned, room side
air though the heat exchanger and delivering conditioned
air into the room.
Slinger fan blade Attaches to the outdoor side of the fan
motor shaft and is used to move outside air through the
condenser coil, while slinging condensate water out of the
base pan and onto the condenser coil, thus lowering the
temperature and pressu
res within the coil.
Thermostat Used to maintain the specifi ed room side
comfort level
System switch Used to regulate the operation of the fan
motor, the compressor or to turn the unit off. For troubleshoot-
ing, refer to the wiring diagrams and schematics in the back
of this service manual.
Capacitor Reduces line current and steadies the voltage
supply, while greatly improving the torque characteristics of
the fan motor and compressor motor.
switch When engaged, it sends the power
supply to the fan motor through the thermostat, which allows
Smart Fan
Automatically adjusts the fan speed to main-
tain the desired room temp.
for a cycle-fan operation.
Fan Motor Dual-shafted fan motor operates the indoor
blower wheel and the condenser fan blade simultaneously.
Heating element Electric resistance heater, available in
EQ08 model.
Heat anticipator Used to provide better thermostat and
room air temperature control.
Compressor Motorized device used to compress refrigerant
through the sealed system.
Capillary tube A cylindrical meter device used to evenly dis-
tribute the fl ow of refrigerant to the heat exchangers (coils.)