DK (Drain Kit)
In the event that the outdoor temperature drops below 37°F, any water
that re mains in the chas sis basepan is drained into the sleeve pan on
WE and WY models to prevent freezing. (NOTE: In the cooling mode
of the WS, WE and WY models, condensate over fl ow is possible in
very humid climates). For these particular in stanc es, an op tion al drain
kit (Ac ces so ry #DK) is available for water removal.
If you desire to drain condensate from the basepan during unit
operation, this unit is provided with a drain nipple that can be
attached to the basepan. You must provide a 3/8" outside diameter
thin-wall plastic or copper tube which will attach to the drain nipple.
Follow the instructions below:
STEP 1 Find the drain plate on the rear of the basepan and
remove it. (See Figure 12).
Figure 12
IDK (Interior Drain Kit)
New construction allowing for condensate drain systems built within
the walls can use the Friedrich Interior Drain Kit (Accessory #IDK)
designed for installation in the bottom of the sleeve below the
condensate bellows valve (heat/cool models only).
Drain hose
Drain nipple
Condensate removal (WS, WE and WY models)
STEP 2 Remove the knockout in the lower right side of the rear
grille. Slide the chassis into the WSC SLEEVE so that
the drain nipple extends through the knockout.
STEP 3 Slide the tubing inside the drain nipple.
If the chassis must be removed from the sleeve for service, remove
the clamped drain hose before sliding the chassis out of the sleeve.
Alternate drain kits