U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
LifeBook 900 Series from Fujitsu
or S-Vi deo outp ut capabi l i ty to your 990Tx2
via the Com po s i te Vi deo in jack or S-Vi deo in
Port of the noteboo k . (See Fi g u re 2-15.)
Examples of vi deo devi ces that have this
c a p a bi l i ty: VC R’s ,s ome TV ’s , vi deo game
con s o l e s , and camcorders .
To connect a video device to the notebook:
1 . Tu rn of f the notebook from the power swi tch .
2 . Di s con n ect the AC Ad a p ter.
3 . Open the Con n ector Cover on the rear panel
of the noteboo k .
4 . Tu rn of f the vi deo devi ce that you are con-
n ecting and unplug its power cord .
5 . Con n ect one end of the vi deo cable or
S - Vi deo cable from the outp ut con n ecti on
of the vi deo devi ce to the Com po s i te Vi deo
in jack or S-Vi deo in port on the noteboo k .
(See Fi g u re 2-15.)
6 . Con n ect the AC Ad a pter to the notebook and
power the notebook on .
7 .P lug in the power cord for the vi deo devi ce
and tu rn it on .
Failure to unplug the AC Adapter from
the notebook and unplug the power
cord of the video device from a wall
outlet may result in electric shock
during installation.
To play back video with the ATI Player:
1. Connect the video device to the notebook.
(Follow steps 1-7 in the previous section.)
2. Click the Start menu, select Programs, ATI
Multimedia and ATI Player.
3.A replication of a TV set will appear in the
center of your screen. You should be in Tuner
mode which allows you to view video and
capture still images. Capture mode allows
you to capture video and save it in .AVI
format. Capture mode is explained in
the next section.
Wide-screen TV programs can not be
displayed on the LCD panel.
Most video devices have an audio
out connection as well as video. The
990Tx2 does not have an audio input
connection. To take full advantage of
audio out capability, connect the audio
out of your video device to a home
stereo system or amplifier.
Video In
S-Video In
Figure 2-15 connecting a video device