
Mounting internal devices in HS900
This System Configuration Guide (V.6) introduces PentiumIIl 450MHz, 500MHz, 550MHz, 600MHz and
Pentiumlll Xeon 550MHz models and withdraws all old models.
Please refer to http://www.fujitsu.co.jp/hypertext/InfoPro/msp/teamserver/config.html for old models.
In HS900, there are two HDD bays (9GB/18GB/36GB disks are available) as system disks.
Storage System (GP5UR1DC4) is required for data storage.
HS900 has no internal 5" bay in chassis, so Backup Cabinet (GP5UR1BC1) is required to mount backup devices.
Mounting internal HDDs in M800i
SCSI Card (GP5-127) or RAID Card (GP5-144/146) is required to setup hard disks.
Storage System (GP5UR1DC4) is required when more than 7HDDs are installed. 14HDDs in total can be mounted in Pedestal version.
Mounting internal HDDs in L800i
L800i have eight HDD bays and up to six 36.4GB HDD can be mounted.
36.4GB HDD cannot be mounted in bays #7 and #8. However 18.2GB HDD can be mounted.
Mounting internal HDDs in G800i, C800i and C300i (except C850ie and C350ie)
G800i, C800i and C300i (except C850ie and C350ie) have eight HDD bays and 18.2GB HDD (1"height) can be mounted.
RCI(Remote Console Interface)
Restriction of Operating System (M800i/HS900)
Windows NT Server 4.0 supports up to 4CPUs and 4GB of memory.
Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition is required for more than 4CPUs and 4GB of Memory.
RCI(Remote Console Interface) support
The figure below indicates the availability of the RCI function on each server type.
O: Available(Std.), : Available(Opt.), X : N/A
: No server product type
Product Pedestal Rack
C300 series X
C800 series X X
G800 series X O
L800 series O
M800 series O O