5-130 C141-E224
Table 5.32 Data format of Read Log Ext log page 11h
Byte Item
00 to 03 Reserved
04 to 05 Counter 1 Identifier
06 to 09 Counter 1 Value
0A to 0B Counter 2 Identifier
0C to 0F Counter 2 Value
… …
4C to 4D Counter 10 Identifier
4E to 51 Counter 10 Value
52 to 53 Counter 0 Identifier
54 to 1FE Reserved
1FF Check sum
Table 5.33 Counter Identifier information
Identifier Description
0 No counter value : marks end of counters in the page
1 Command failed due to an ICRC error
2 Data FIS R_ERR ending status (transmitted and received)
3 Data FIS R_ERR ending status (transmitted)
4 Data FIS R_ERR ending status (received)
5 Non-data FIS R_ERR ending status (transmitted and received)
6 Non-data FIS R_ERR ending status (transmitted)
8 Non-data FIS retries (transmitted)
9 Transitions from drive PhyRdy to drive PhyNRdy.
A Signature Device to Host Register FIS sent due to a COMRESET.
B CRC errors within the FIS (received)
D Non-CRC errors within the FIS (received)
F Data FIS R_ERR ending status due to CRC errors (received)
10 Data FIS R_ERR ending status due to non-CRC errors (received)