
188 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Service Manual June 2011
service processor, 124
reset command, 60
reset, system
using ILOM, 32
using POST commands, 32
resetsc command, 60
safety information, 63
safety symbols, 64
sanity check for hardware components, 22
SCC module
and host ID, 2
and MAC addresses, 2
serial management port
pinouts, 172
serial number, chassis, 66
serial port (DB-9)
pinouts, 174
service processor
installing, 126
removing, 124
Service Required (system LED), 35
about, 5
cleared by enablecomponent command, 53
interpreting to diagnose faults, 35
triggered by ILOM, 18
triggered by power supply fault, 95
set command
and component_state property, 53
setkeyswitch parameter, 31, 61, 62, 111
setlocator command, 5, 8, 61, 70
show faulty command, 35, 47, 61
and faults detected by POST, 38
and PSH faults, 38
and Service Required LED, 35
description and examples, 36
environmental fault, 37
reasons to use, 36
use in detecting faults in an External I/O
Expansion Unit, 38
using to check for faults, 15
using to diagnose FB-DIMMs, 110
using to verify successful FB-DIMM
replacement, 112
showcomponent command, 27, 56
showenvironment command, 61
showfaults command
syntax, 61
showfru command, 28, 61
showkeyswitch command, 61
showlocator command, 62
showlogs command, 62
showplatform command, 62, 66
triggered by top cover removal (emergency
shutdown), 154
using Power button (emergency shutdown), 5
using Power button (graceful shutdown), 5
using powercycle command (graceful
shutdown), 60
using powercycle -f command (emergency
shutdown), 60
using poweroff command, 60
slide rail latch, 70
Solaris log files, 15
Solaris log files as diagnostic tool, 15
Solaris OS
checking log files for fault information, 15
collecting diagnostic information from, 39
message buffer, checking, 39
message log files, viewing, 40
Solaris Predictive Self-Healing, 20
syslogd daemon, 40
system console, 26
system console, switching to, 26
system controller, 12
tools required for service, 66
Top (system LED)
about, 6
top cover
and emergency shutdown, 154
installing, 154
AC OK LED state, 15
actions, 15
by checking Solaris OS log files, 15
CMP0 failure, 160
CMP1 failure, 160
FB-DIMMs, 24