
• Leap Pads
Scatter the Hop Pads randomly around the floor with about a
foot or so of space between them. Start on Pad #1. On one foot,
hop to #2, and so-on, until you have hopped all the Pads, or until
you can’t hop far enough to make it to another Pad.
• Two-legged Hopscotch
Pick a partner. Choose any Hop Pad layout you want. Partners
stand before Pad #1, both facing forward, and hold both of each
others’ hands: right hand to right hand and left to left. Now each
player stands on the foot nearest their partner, and lifts the other
foot. Hop through the layout together, with each of you only on
one foot. Compete with other players to see which teams can go
the farthest and keep from making mistakes.