The Inmarsat C system consists of the Operation Control Center (OCC), Satellite
Control Centers (SCC), Network Coordination Stations (NCS), Land Earth
Stations (LES) and Mobile Earth Stations (MES). The OCC, located at Inmarsat’s
London headquarters, coordinates a wide range of activities in the Inmarsat
system, including commissioning of mobile earth stations.
The Inmarsat C system divides the world into four regions and each region is
covered by its own satellite.
Inmarsat system satellites
Region Satellite Satellite Position
AOR-West Inmarsat 3, F4 54.0°W
AOR-East Inmarsat 3, F2 15.5°W
IOR Inmarsat 3, F1 64.0°E
POR Inmarsat 3, F3 178.0°E
In each region there is one NCS and several LESs. The NCS keeps track of all
Inmarsat C transceivers in its region and broadcasts information such as
navigational warnings, weather reports and news. The LESs provide the link
between the MES and the terrestrial telecommunications networks via satellite.