5.5 How to Print Messages
The [PRINT] menu enables/disables automatic printing of all transmitted and received
calls and the results of the daily test.
1. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select [SYSTEM] on the [MENU] screen
then push the knob.
2. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select
[PRINT] then push the knob.
3. With [TX MSG] selected, push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob.
4. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select [AUTO] or [MANUAL] then push the
5. Set [RX MSG] and [DAILY TEST] similarly.
5.6 Position Setting
Do the following to set your position:
1. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select [SYSTEM] on the [MENU] screen
then push the knob.
2. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select [POSI-
TION] then push the knob.
3. With [INPUT TYPE] selected, push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob.
4. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select [EPFS], [MANUAL] or [NO INFO]
then push the knob.
[EPFS]: The position data from EPFS
[MANUAL]: Set the position data manually
[NO INFO]: No position data
For [MANUAL], go to the next step.
5. For manual input, use the numeric keys to enter current latitude/longitude posi-
tion, and UTC. To change coordinate, select it and press the 1 key for North or
East; the 2 key for South or West. Push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob after enter-
ing a line of data.
Latitude setting window
Longitude setting window
Push the
ENTER knob.
UTC setting window
Push the
ENTER knob.
Push the
ENTER knob.