
Word to the Owner of FURUNO Radar
Thank you for purchasing this FURUNO radar. We are confident you will discover why FURUNO
has become synonymous with quality and reliability.
Dedicated in the design and manufacture of marine electronics equipment for half a century,
FURUNO Electric Company has gained an unrivaled reputation as a world leader in the industry.
This is the result of our technical excellence as well as our worldwide distribution and service
Please carefully read and follow the safety information and operating and maintenance instructions
set forth in this manual before attempting to operate the equipment and conduct any maintenance.
Your radar set will perform to the utmost of its ability only if it is operated and maintained in
accordance with the correct procedures.
Features of This Series of Radars
Daylight-bright rasterscan 15-inch multi-color, high-resolution display
New microprocessing technology with high-speed high-density gate array and software
New cast aluminum scanner gearbox and new series of radiators
Easy operation by combination of discrete keys, rotary controls, and menu operation, all
logically arranged and configured
Electronic Plotting Aid (EPA) fitted standard, Automatic Tracking Aid (ATA) option exceeding
IMO and IEC standards
Reliable CPA and TCPA warning in any plotting mode, accurate target data
Stand-alone or integrated configuration
Meets the current and future IMO and IEC standards as a shipborne radar. New radar standard
MSC.64(67) Annex 4 must be met for new installation on and after January 1, 1999
FR-1500 Mark-3 Series of Radars
This Series of FURUNO radars are designed to meet various customers’ needs and the exacting
requirements of international and national standards and regulations including:
- IMO A.477(XII): Performance Standards for Radar Equipment (up to 31.12.1998)
- IMO MSC.64(67) Annex 4: Performance Standards for Radar Equipment (1.1.1999 and after)
- IEC 60936-1: Shipborne Radar Operational and Performance Requirement
(1.1.1999 and after)
- IEC 60872-2: Automatic Tracking Aids (ATA)
- IEC 60945: 1996-11(3
Ed) Marine Navigational Equipment General Requirements