4. General Notes on Operating Marine VHF
4-1. Rules and Manners
The FM-2710 fully complies with the requirements for international maritime VHF radio service. It is
intended to be used by a person who holds a valid radio operator's license and station call sign.
Below are some important rules, regulations and manners for operating the equipment.
• Whenever the radio is turned on, keep watch on CH16 for distress or calling message.
• Distress communications have absolute priority. If you hear MAYDAY, talk only if you can help, and be
prepared to offer assistance or relay the distress message.
• Listen before transmitting to avoid interfering with other communications.
• The ship Radiotelephone Station Licensee is responsible for recording in a communication log all
contacts made over the telephone and watch period on CH16. All distress, emergency and safety
messages must be recorded in detail. Entries must show boat's name, call sign, watch start/stop times,
and operator's signature. Use 24-hour notation to record time.
• Radio waves are public property. Keep all communications as brief and clear as possible.