GPS 152H Installation Instructions 5
To connect the wiring harness to a NMEA 0183 device:
1. For Garmin devices, the ground (black) wires serve as NMEA 0183 ground and must be attached together or on the same terminal as the
2. Connect the blue (NMEA 0183 port 1 out) wire from the GPS 152H wiring harness to the NMEA 0183 in (or Rx/A +) wire on the wiring
harness of the NMEA 0183 device, and the brown (NMEA 0183 port 1 in) wire to the NMEA out (or Tx/A +) wire on the wiring harness of the
NMEA 0183 device.
3. Repeat step 2 using the blue and white wires for an additional NMEA 0183 device.
4. Set the serial port(s) on the GPS 152H to use NMEA 0183 data. See the GPS 152H Owner’s Manual for more information.
Connecting the Wiring Harness to an Optional Horn, Lamp, or Both
The GPS 152H device can be used with a lamp, a horn, or both, to sound or ash an alert when the device displays a message. The alarm does
not need to be wired for the GPS 152H to function. The alarm circuit switches to a low-voltage state when the alarm sounds. It is necessary to
install a relay that limits the current from the device to 100 mA. To manually toggle visual and audible alerts, install single-pole, single-throw
Wiring a GPS 152H Device to a Horn, a Lamp, or Both
100 mA max
coil current
1.5 A
Black (ground)
Yellow (alarm)
Wire color
10–40 Vdc
GPS 152H device
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