Creating a Waypoint by Entering Coordinates
You can manually enter location coordinates to create a waypoint.
This method is useful for creating a waypoint at a specic latitude/
longitude position from a chart.
To create a new waypoint by entering location
1. Press ENTER/MARK to create a waypoint. The new
waypoint is created with the next available waypoint number
and the receiver’s last know location as the default location.
2. On the New Map Waypoint Page, highlight the Location
eld, and press ENTER.
3. Use the ROCKER to enter location coordinates and press
ENTER when nished.
To change any of the other information on the New Waypoint
Page, highlight the appropriate eld and press ENTER. After
entering your changes, highlight OK, and press ENTER.
Reviewing a Waypoint
After you create and store a waypoint, you can modify, review,
rename, move, or delete it at any time using either the Waypoint
Review Page or Waypoint Edit Page.
To access the Waypoint Review Page:
Highlight a waypoint on the Map Page, and then press
ENTER to open the Waypoint Review Page. If the waypoint
is located on a map feature or MapSource or BlueChart g2
feature, the Waypoint Review Page might include additional
tabs containing information about other features at that
Waypoint Review Page
30 GPSMAP 278 Owner’s Manual
MArIne Mode > creAtIng And usIng WAYPoInts