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Entry/Exit Delays
Entry/Exit Delays Entry/Exit Delays
Entry/Exit Delays
Exit Alarms
Exit AlarmsExit Alarms
Exit Alarms
Exit Error Conditions
Whenever you arm the system, the exit delay begins. If an entry/exit door or interior
zone is faulted before exit delay expires and remains faulted (e.g., exit door left open),
the system sounds an alarm and starts the entry delay timer. If you disarm the
system before the entry delay ends, the alarm sound stops and the message "ALARM
CANCELED " or "CA" is displayed on the keypad, along with a zone number
indicating the faulted zone. No message is sent to the Central Monitoring Station.
To clear the exit error condition, the open zone must be made intact; to clear the
display, enter your code plus OFF.
If you do not disarm the system before the entry delay ends and the faulted zone
remains open, the alarm sound continues and an "exit alarm" message is sent to the
Central Monitoring Station (after the installer-programmed dial delay expires). The
message "EXIT ALARM" or "EA" is displayed on the keypad, along with a zone
number indicating the faulted zone. To stop the alarm, the system must be disarmed
(your code plus OFF); to clear the display, enter your code plus OFF a second time.
An “exit alarm” also results if an entry/exit door or interior zone is faulted within two
minutes after the end of the exit delay.
Your system may have been programmed for this feature to minimize false alarms sent to the Central Monitoring
Station. Ask your installer if "Exit Alarm" is active in your system. If so, check this box.
FA168CPSSIA/FA148CPSIA: The Exit Error condition works the same as described above,
except that in addition to the “EXIT ALARM” message, a “zone alarm” message is also sent to
the Central Monitoring Station. In addition, if an entry/exit door or interior zone is faulted
within two minutes after the end of the exit delay, a “Recent Closing” condition occurs instead of
the “exit alarm.” Refer to the next paragraph for details.
“Recent Closing” Condition (FA168CPSSIA/FA148CPSIA)
A Recent Closing condition is similar to the Exit Error condition described above, but occurs if
an entry/exit door or interior zone is faulted within two minutes after the initial exit delay
expires. If you disarm the system within the two minutes, the alarm sound stops and the
message "ALARM CANCELED " or "CA" is displayed on the keypad, along with a zone number
indicating the faulted zone. No message is sent to the Central Monitoring Station.
If you do not disarm the system within two minutes and the faulted zone remains open, the
alarm sound continues and a “recent closing” and a “zone alarm” message are sent to the
Central Monitoring Station (after the installer-programmed dial delay expires). The alarm
message along with a faulted zone number is displayed on the keypad. To stop the alarm, the
system must be disarmed (your code plus OFF); to clear the display, enter your code plus OFF a
second time.