5-23190-00601-02 Rev. E
Garmin G600 Pilot’s Guide
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& Alerts
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Glossary Appendix A
Appendix B
NOTE: The LOCK soft key on the XM Information Page (Auxiliary Page
Group) is used to save GDL 69A activation data when the XM services are
initially set up. It is not used during normal XM Radio operation, but there
should be no adverse effects if inadvertently selected during flight. Refer to
the GDL 69/69A XM Satellite Radio Activation Instructions (190-00355-04,
Rev G, or later) for further information.
1) Contact XM WX Satellite Radio through the e-mail address listed on their web
site (www.xmradio.com) or by the customer service phone number listed on the
web site (1-800-985-9200). Follow the instructions provided by XM Satellite
Radio services.
2) Turn the large MFD knob to the AUX page group.
3) Turn the small MFD knob to the XM Information Page.
4) Verify that the desired services are activated.
5) Select the LOCK soft key.
6) Turn the large MFD knob to highlight “YES.”
7) To complete activation, press the ENT key.
If XM weather services have not been activated, all the weather product
boxes are cleared on the XM Information Page and a yellow Activation Required
message is displayed in the center of the Weather Data Link Page (Map Page
Group). The Service Class refers to the groupings of weather products available
for subscription.