off course alarm 34
offset, front of boat 20
other vessels
trails 7
panning, camera 32
Perspective 3D 31
photos, aerial 5
position, tracking 23
position report 23
power key 1, 32
powerboat 2, 25
premium charts 4, 6
aerial photos 5
Fish Eye 3D 7
tide and current indicators 4
product registration 36
product support 1
contact information 1
radar 16–18
AIS 18
clutter 19
color scheme 19
field of view 19
front-of-boat offset 20
gain 18, 19
optimizing display 19
overlay screen 18
range 16
range rings 19
sentry mode 17
timed transmit 17
transmitting 16
waypoints 17, 19
zoom scale 17
radar overlay 18
radio, SiriusXM 28
range rings 7
registering the device 36
settings 28
station layouts 2
Route To 11
copying 36
creating 8
deleting 9
editing 8
navigating 9
navigating parallel to 9
synchronizing 10
viewing list of 8
waypoints 36
safe depth 33
safe height 33
safe-zone collision alarm 6, 35
sailboat 2, 25
sailing 7, 25
sailing gauges 24
satellite imagery 4
satellite signals, acquiring 2
brightness 2
locking 1
screenshots 37
capturing 37
sentry mode 17
guard zone 17
timed transmit 17
settings 32, 33, 35
radar display 19
system information 33
Shadow Drive
enabling 21
sensitivity 21
shoreline distance 33
SideVü 12
SiriusXM 29
SiriusXM Satellite Radio 28
software, updating 1
software license agreement 38
sonar 11, 12, 15
a-scope 14, 15
alarms 15
appearance 15
bottom lock 13
color gain 13
cone 7
depth 13
depth scale 13
DownVü 12
frequencies 14
gain 13
interference 15
noise 13
recording 16
scroll speed 14
sharing 13
SideVü 12
source 13
surface noise 15
suspended targets 15
views 12, 13
waypoint 12
whiteline 15
zoom 13
SOS 7, 23
stations 2
changing the station 33
customizing the home screen of 2
ordering the displays 33
restoring the layout 2, 33
steering mode, selecting 20
suspended targets 7
symbols 5
synchronizing, user data 10
system information 33, 36
tacking and gybing 22, 26
heading hold 22, 26
wind hold 22, 26
targeting 17
temperature log 25
tide stations 4, 25
indicators 4
touchscreen 1
tracks 9
clearing 10
copying 36
deleting 9, 10
editing 9
list 9
navigating 9, 10
recording 10
saving 9
saving as route 9
showing 7, 9
transducer 11, 14, 15
trip gauges 24
troubleshooting 37
unit ID 33
units of measure 33
updates, software 1
user data
deleting 10
synchronizing 10
vessel trails 7, 23
VHF radio 22
calling an AIS target 23
distress calls 22, 23
DSC channel 23
individual routine call 23
video 31, 32
configuring 32
source 31, 32
voltage 34
volume, adjusting 28
VRM 18
adjusting 18
measuring 18
showing 18
warning manager 26
messages 26, 27
speed 35
temperature log 25
temperature offset 35
waypoints 7, 37
copying 36
creating 7, 31
deleting 8
editing 8
man overboard 7
navigating to 8
radar 17
showing 7
sonar 12
synchronizing 10
tracked vessel 23
viewing list of 8
weather 31
weather 6, 29, 30
alarms 35
broadcasts 29
charts 29, 31
fishing 30
fishing chart 31
forecast 29–31
navigation chart 31
overlay 31
precipitation 29
sea conditions 30
subscription 29, 31
surface pressure 30
visibility 31
water temperature 30, 31
wave information 30
winds 30
wind angle graph 25
wind gauges 24, 25
wind hold 21, 22, 26
adjusting 22, 26
wind speed graph 25
wireless devices
Bluetooth devices 27
connecting a wireless device 27
camera 32
chart 3
radar 17
sonar 13
40 Index