Magnum 4K16 Switches Installation and User Guide (12/05)
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5.0 Introduction - Magnum 4K16 Fiber-Port Modules (FKM)
This chapter describes each Fiber-Port Module (FKM), including appearance,
functionality, and status displays
5.1 Product Description
An important feature of the Magnum 4K-Series is the use of Fiber-
Port Modules (FKMs) for flexible mixed-media connectivity to RJ-45 and fiber
media. Since the Magnum 4K-Series Switches have dual-speed capability for
copper ports, the copper port interfaces are designed to support all standard
Ethernet media types at 100Mps speed. Each FKM provides one port for
connecting Ethernet segments with its individual connector type and media.
For a list of Fiber-Port Module types, refer to Section 1.2
Each FKM is individually described in the following sections.
NOTE: The Fiber Module option are offered as Factory installation only and
will be added as additional two ports (16RJ-45 + 2 Fiber ports).
5.1.1 FKM-MST, 100Mbps multi-mode FX-ST-type, “twist-lock” connector
The Magnum FKM-MST is a multi-mode 100Mbps fiber optic module
equipped with a dual ST-type
connector. It functions as a fiber optics
transceiver to support 100BASE-FX
network segments. When installed in a
Magnum 4K16 Full-duplex Switch, it
supports fiber optic cable distances up
to the IEEE-specified switch distance limits, i.e., typically 2000 meters.
5.1.2 FKM-MSC 100Mbps multi-mode FX-SC-type, “snap-in” connector
The Magnum FKM-MSC is also a
multi-mode 100Mbps fiber optic transceiver
module, similar to the FKM-MST.
While the functionality of the these two
modules is the same, the FKM-MSC is equipped
with an SC-type "snap-in" connector instead of an ST-type.
5.1.3 FKM-SSC and –SSCL 100Mbps single-mode
FX-SC-type, “snap-in”
The Magnum FKM-SSC (and –SSCL) is a single-mode 100Mbps fiber optic
FKM-2ST Connectors
FKM-2SC Connectors