Magnum 8000X Mixed-Media Fiber Hubs Installation and User Guide (05/ 02)
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1.3 Ordering Information (see Appendices for DC power supply options)
Magnum 8000X Mixed-Media Fiber Hubs **
Magnum 8000X Base Chassis with 16 Port Module (PM) slots for 10/100
operation per port. Any mix of 100Mbps and 10 Mbps Fiber PMs (see list below) may be
factory or field configured. Includes a switch inside that bridges the two internal traffic
domains. Has a bonus port for an optional switched fiber or copper (SPM) backbone
connection. May be stacked with up to two DS8016-A or -E or 8000X-A add-on units for up
to 3 units (48 front ports for users) in a stack. Internal universal power supply.
Magnum 8000X-A Add-on Chassis, 16 PM slots, no switch inside, use for stacking
8000X Front Port Modules (PMs):
FPM-MST Module w/ 100Mbps mm* Fiber FX ST connector
FPM-MSC Module w/100Mbps mm* Fiber FX SC connector
FPM-SSC Module w/100Mbps sgl.m* Fiber FX SC connector
FPM-MTRJ Module w/100Mbps mm* Fiber FX MT-RJ connector
FPM-MV45 Module w/100Mbps mm* Fiber FX VF-45 connector
FPM-SXMST Module w/100Mbps mm* Fiber SX ST connector (when available)
FPM-SXMSC Module w/100Mbps mm* Fiber SX SC connector (when available)
FPM10-MST Module w/10Mbps mm* Fiber FL ST connector
FPM10-MSC Module w/10Mbps mm* Fiber FL SC connector
F PM10-SST Module w/10Mbps sgl.m* Fiber FL ST connector
FPM10-SSC Module w/10Mbps sgl.m* Fiber FL SC connector
FPM-MFC Module w/10Mbps mm* Fiber FX FC “screw-on” connector
PM-RJ45 Module w/ RJ-45 for TP copper, supports 10/100 auto-negotiation
PM-RJ45U Same as PM-RJ45 except includes an up-link (crossover) switch
PM-BLNK Blank cover for an unused port.
Switch Port Modules (SPMs) for the Bonus Port:
SPM-FDSC SPM w/ full-duplex multi-mode fiber FX SC connector, includes
a separate switch with packet buffers and filter/forward operation
SPM-FDST Same as -FDSC, but with ST connector
SPM-FDSSC SPM w/ full-duplex single-mode fiber FX SC connector, includes
a separate switch with packet buffers and filter/forward operation
SPM-TTX SPM with RJ-45, manually selected as 10Mb or 100Mb speed
* mm = multi-mode, sgl.m = single-mode
** To convey configuration information to the factory, order chassis units followed by the
PMs to be configured in it. For example, to order a Model 8000X Hub with a ten FPM10-
MST ports factory installed, call out “Qty 1 Model 8000X" and then in sequence “Qty 10
Model FPM10-MST” as separate line items. This signifies that the ten FPM-MST modules
are to be factory-configured in the 8000X unit. To order loose modules for field
configuration, order “Qty 10 Model FPM10-MST (do not configure)”, for example.
GarrettCom, Inc. reserves the right to change specifications, performance characteristics
and/or model offerings without notice.