Magnum H80B and H80P Personal Hubs User Guide (07/95)
to provide ThinNet and 10BASE-T Ethernet connectivity for local
users and devices. Small independent networks built using Personal
Hubs are easily expanded by adding hubs of equal or greater capacity
via cascaded connections using the Up-Link switched port feature.
The BNC port of the H80B provides 10BASE2 backbone
connectivity if required.
The H80B's small size makes it very useful for
demonstration situations in conference rooms and in exhibitions
where a temporary network or network expansion is needed. It is
handy as a piece of test equipment that can be easily inserted into a
network to provide a test port, and then removed after the testing is
done. The H80B Personal Hub takes up minimal space, uses
minimal power, and is rugged enough to be carried in a coat pocket
for possible emergencies.
The external power supply unit supplied with the H80B is
one of two types; one version for AC input power of 115 vac 60 Hz,
and one version for 230 vac 50 Hz. The 115 vac version has a small
transformer integral with a convenience power outlet plug. The 230
vac version has a small transformer integral with an IEC-type power
plug for a user-supplied AC power cord with a convenience power
outlet plug. Both types include a lightweight DC power cord for
connection to the Personal Hub's power jack.