
Install the GracoConfig Software
12 312785C
Install the GracoConfig Software
GracoConfig software provides access to the Graco
Gateway module hardware. The CD provided contains
the GracoConfig software (GracoConfigXXX.exe, where
the XXX represents the version control number). It also
includes a preconfigured database which is essentially a
setup file for the Gateway. The database file has a .gg2
The Graco Gateway provides conversions for many pro-
tocols, including the following:
All Allen-Bradley protocols
Ethernet TCP/IP
Ethernet IP
Modbus (ASCII, RTU)
NOTE: Graco provides expansion cards for DeviceNet
and Profibus protocols. DeviceNet setup procedures are
on page 42. Profibus setup procedures are on page 57.
See page 40 for Parts.
NOTE: Contact your Graco distributor or Graco Techni-
cal Assistance for information regarding additional sup-
ported protocols.
System Requirements
GracoConfig software will run on PCs with the following
A Pentium class processor as required by the cho-
sen operating system.
NOTE: GracoConfig software will operate with all
versions of Microsoft
Windows 98 and above. Win-
dows 2000 or above is recommended for more
robust operation.
RAM and free disk space as required by the chosen
operating system.
An additional 50MB of disk space for software
A display of at least 800 by 600 pixels, with 256 or
more colors.
USB port for downloading a configured database to
the Gateway module.