
Turning off the system drawer 27
When the system drawer starts successfully, install the operating system,
if necessary.
8 Turn on the other system drawers by repeating Steps 3 through 7 for each
additional system drawer installed.
After this procedure, the system drawer can be turned on using normal start
To turn on the system drawer using normal start sequences:
1 Turn on devices and drawers attached to the system drawer first.
2 When the devices and drawers attached to the system drawer are running,
turn on the system drawer.
Turning off the system drawer
To turn off the system drawer:
1 Close all programs.
2 If necessary, issue a flush command to write the contents of any caches
or buffers to disk.
3 If necessary, issue a command to exit or quit the operating system.
4 Press the ON/OFF switch on the system drawer.
5 Turn off any other devices and drawers connected to the system drawer.