Press and hold the Channel button on the
bottom of the wireless keyboard or mouse for two
To change the wireless keyboard or mouse
When two wireless devices, such as the keyboard
and mouse, are used in the same area, each device
should be set to operate on a different channel. For best
reception, space the channels apart by one or more
channels. For example, set the channels to channel 2
and 4 rather than channel 2 and 3.
Changing the wireless
keyboard or mouse channels
If the Teach/Learn sequence has already been performed, you do
not need to re-synchronize the keyboard and mouse after a channel
Release the Channel button. The keyboard or
mouse changes to the next channel and the
keyboard or mouse green LED (and the charging
cradle’s red LED) flashes. The number of flashes
indicates the new channel the keyboard or mouse
is using.
Pointer Speed to Average. Some new users
prefer this setting to be slightly slower than
average. Advanced users tend to increase the
speed so that less wrist movement gives them
more screen coverage with the pointer.
Fine-tuning the wireless
mouse pointer control
While getting familiar with your wireless mouse and
getting a feel for the “in air” method of pointer control,
you may want to adjust the mouse settings. You can
adjust the double-click speed, pointer speed, left-hand or
right-hand configuration, and other mouse settings. We
recommend you adjust:
Acceleration to Low or Off.
In Windows XP, click Start, then click Control
Panel. The Control Panel window opens. If your
Control Panel is in Category View, click Printers
and Other Hardware.
To change the mouse settings
Click/Double-click the Mouse icon. The Mouse
Properties dialog box opens.
Click the Advanced Features tab, then click
Settings to change your mouse settings.
To modify mouse settings, click the + in front of a
setting, then modify the setting.