Appendix C: Glossary and Acronyms
Primary Rate ISDN
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
A communications network which uses telephones to establish
connections between two points. Also referred to as the dial network.
PTMP Point-to-Multipoint
A connection where data is broadcast between more than two endpoints.
PTP Point-to-Point
A connection restricted to two endpoints.
PTT Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
The government agencies in many countries that traditionally operated
and monopolized the public postal, telegraph, and telephone services.
QoS Quality of Service
A set of quality requirements for telephone service.
RBOC Regional Bell Operating Companies
The creation of Regional Bell Operating Companies were a result of
AT&T's telephone monopoly being broken up in 1983.
REN Ringer Equivalence Number
An arbitrary value which denotes the electrical load a telephone ringer has
on a line.
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