Automatically retry sending a fax
Automatically retry sending a fax
You can set up Fax so that it continues to try sending your fax if the receiving
fax machine is busy.
To automatically retry sending a fax:
1 Click Start, then click Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens.
2 If your Control Panel is in Category View, click Printers and Other Hardware.
View installed printers or fax printers. The Printers and Faxes window
If your Control Panel is in Classic View, double-click the
Printers and Faxes
icon. The Printers and Faxes window opens.
3 Right-click Fax, then click Properties. The Fax Properties dialog box opens.
4 Click the Devices tab, then click Properties. The Modem dialog box opens.
5 Specify the number of retries and the amount of time between retries.
6 Click OK.
Important Fax is automatically set up to retry three times at ten
minute intervals.