
4 Compose the picture.
5 Focus the camera and take the picture. See “Setting the focus”
on page 26.
Taking pictures in the Aperture priority mode
When you take pictures in the Aperture priority mode (Av), the
camera gives priority to the aperture setting. The camera
automatically sets the shutter speed based on the aperture setting.
When you set the camera to a small aperture (higher F-stop value),
pictures have a sharper focus in the foreground and background
(greater depth-of-field).
When you set the camera to a large aperture (smaller F-stop value),
pictures have sharper focus in the foreground and a more blurred
focus in the background (shallow depth-of-field).
To take pictures in the Aperture priority mode (Av):
1 Turn the camera on. See “Turning on your camera” on page 13.
2 Turn the mode dial to the Aperture
priority mode (
3 Set the aperture setting from F 2.8 to
F 6.7 with the search dial:
Rotate the search dial in the
direction to select a larger
aperture (F-stop value) (smaller
aperture setting) or rotate the
search dial in the direction to
select a smaller aperture (F-stop
value) (larger aperture setting).
The aperture value and
corresponding aperture setting are displayed on the LCD.