Chapter 2: Getting Started
Key types
The keyboard has several different types of keys. Some keys perform specific
actions when pressed alone and other actions when pressed in combination
with another key.
Key type Icon Description
Function keys Press these keys labeled F1 to F12 to perform actions in
programs. For example, pressing
F1 may open help.
Each program uses different function keys for different purposes.
See the program documentation to find out more about the
function key actions.
System keys Press these keys in combination with the
FN key to perform
specific actions.
Navigation keys Press these keys to move the cursor to the beginning of a line,
to the end of a line, up the page, down the page, to the beginning
of a document, or to the end of a document.
Arrow keys Press these keys to move the cursor up, down, right, or left.
Application key Press this key for quick access to shortcut menus and help
assistants in Windows.
Windows keys Press one of these keys to open the Windows Start menu. This
key can also be used in combination with other keys to open
utilities like
F (Search utility), R (Run utility), and E (Explorer
Numeric keypad Use these keys to type numbers when the numeric keypad is
turned on. Press
FN+NUMLK to turn on the numeric keypad.
FN key Press the FN key in combination with a system key (such as
SYSRQ, NUMLK, or SCRLK) to perform a specific action.