Principled Technologies, Inc.: Battery life and performance ratings of the Gateway ID47H02u notebook
Sleep button action: Sleep
Start menu power button: Shut down
g. PCI Express:
Link State Power Management: Maximum power savings
h. Processor power management:
Minimum processor state: 5%
Maximum processor state: 100%
i. Search and Indexing:
Power Savings Mode: Power Saver
j. Display:
Turn off display after: Never
Adaptive display: Off (Extends the time that Windows waits to turn off the display)
Display brightness: 100% (We then adjust the brightness percentage to be no less than 60 nits)
k. Multimedia settings:
When sharing media: Prevent idling to sleep
l. Battery:
Critical battery action: Shut down (on battery), Do nothing (plugged in)
Low battery level: 0%
Critical battery level: 0%
Low battery notification: Off
Low battery action: Do nothing
Installing MobileMark 2007 v.1.06 and configuring the system for testing
1. Turn off the wireless network adapter by using the external toggle switch.
2. Insert the MobileMark 2007 Install DVD in the notebook PC’s DVD drive.
3. When the Autoplay appears, click Run setup.exe.
4. At the Welcome screen, click Next.
5. Accept the license agreement, and click Next.
6. At the Choose Destination Location screen, accept the default location of C:\ProgramFiles
(x86)\BapCo\MobileMark 2007, and click Next.
7. At the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install.
8. At the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen, click Finish.
9. Download MobileMark 2007 Patch 5 from http://www.bapco.com/support, saving the download to the
10. Double-click the MobileMark 20007 Patch 5 desktop icon.
11. In the 7-Zip self-extracting archive window, select a location to extract the installation files, and click
12. Browse to the location of the extracted files, and double-click the MobileMark 2007 folder.
13. Double-click the MobileMark2007_patch folder.
14. Double-click setup.
15. At the Welcome screen, click Next.
16. At the Update Complete window, click Finish.
17. Run the BAPCo Auto-configuration tool, v.2.4.1, or manually set the power options:
a. Insert the Auto-configuration tool disc in the notebook PC’s DVD drive.
b. Double-click BAPCo_AutoConfig.bat.
c. Type M to choose MobileMark 2007.
d. Type 3 to choose the changes that produce the best possible scores.
e. Type R to restart the system when the application prompts you to do so.
18. Adjust the screen brightness to no less than 60 nits:
a. Click the Windows start button, and type power options in the Windows Start Search box.
b. Click Change plan settings.
c. Click Change advanced power settings.
d. Expand the Display option, and change the Display brightness on battery and plugged in to the
correct percentage that produces no less than 60 nits.