
Software Installation and Operation
If your Host PC has only one LAN adapter connected to the Internet, you have to install the LAN adapter to connect the OfficeStation
terminal to your Host PC. To connect the OfficeStation terminal to your Host PC, refer to “Host PC has one LAN adapter and no
connection to the Internet”. The setting of the Internet, contact to your ISP.(Internet Service Provider)
The setting of the Internet, contact your ISP.(Internet Service Provider)
Host PC has two LAN adapters and one of the LAN adapter connected to the Internet
󲽕 Click “Start” and click “Control Panel”. (In Windows
2000, click “Start”, click “Settings”, and then click “Control Panel”) Click “Network
and Internet Connections”, and then click “Network Connections”. (In Windows
2000, double click “Network and Dial-up Connections”)
󲽖 Right click on the LAN adapter icon and select “Properties”. (In
2000, right click on the LAN adapter icon and select
“Properties”) In the “Advanced” tab, check “Allow other network
users to connect through this computer's Internet connection”
in Internet Connection Sharing and click “OK”. (In Windows
2000, in the “Sharing” tab, check “Enable Internet Connection
Sharing for this connection” and click “OK”)
󲽗 Click “Yes” to restart your computer.
󲽘 For the next settings, refer to “Host PC has one LAN adapter and no connection to the Internet”.
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