Chapter 7: Sending and Receiving Faxes
Configuring Fax in Windows 2000
Before you send your first fax, you need to set up your user information. Your
fax cover sheets and fax headers contain this information, some of which is
required by law.
To configure Microsoft Fax:
1 Click Start, Settings, then click Control Panel. The Control Panel window
2 Double-click the Fax icon. The Fax Properties dialog box opens.
3 Click the User Information tab.
4 Type the information about yourself that you want to appear on the fax
cover page.
5 Click the Advanced Options tab.
6 Click Open Fax Service Management Console. The Fax Service Management
window opens.
7 Click Devices in the left column.
8 Double-click the name of your modem. The Modem Properties dialog box
9 Click Enable send.
10 Type the transmitting fax identifier information. This identifier
information is required by law. You can type up to 20 characters in the
text box. We suggest using eight characters for your identifier name,
followed by 12 characters for your telephone number.
11 If you want to receive faxes, click Enable receive.
If you do not want to receive faxes, go to Step 14.
Important Some fax machines cannot use special characters such
as hyphens. We suggest using spaces instead of hyphens
in telephone and fax numbers