Chapter 14: Restoring Software
To reinstall other programs from a CD:
1 If you just reinstalled Windows, go to Step 4. Otherwise, go to the next
2 In Windows XP, click Start, Control Panel, then click
Add or Remove Programs.
- OR -
In Windows 2000, click
Start, Settings, Control Panel, then double-click the
Add or Remove Programs icon.
3 In the Currently Installed Programs list, click the program you want to
uninstall, then click
Change/Remove and follow the on-screen instructions.
4 Insert the program CD into the CD or DVD drive.
5 Complete the program reinstallation by following the instructions
included with the program CD.
Reinstalling Windows
If your notebook is not working correctly, try the following options to correct
the problem:
■ Troubleshooting. For more information, see “Troubleshooting” on
page 277.
■ Running System Restore.
■ Reinstalling device drivers. For more information, see “Reinstalling device
drivers” on page 247.
If the options above do not correct the problem, you can use the Restoration
CDs to reinstall Windows and other software.
Important If the drive you want to use is not in the modular bay, you
need to swap modules. For more information about
swapping modules, see “Changing modules” on page 105.