F-60 Operation and Maintenance Manual
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
The gap between two rolls is called the nip.
The purpose of adjusting the nip is to ensure continu-
ous contact between the rolls as the media is drawn
through the machine. This procedure must be done reg-
ularly for the main rolls. It is not necessary to set the
nip on the pull rolls.
Figure 4-1: Properly Set Nip
Tools required:
" hex wrench
• ¾" hex wrench
To adjust the main roll nip:
1. Remove the left side cabinet cover with the
hex wrench by removing the eight screws holding
the cover in place. Gently rotate the cover around
the clutch knob to allow access to the roll lift sys-
2. Lower the upper main roll so that there is a small
visible gap between it and the lower main roll.
3. Loosen the ¾" jam nut securing the lift assembly
bolt. Adjust the nip by rotating the lift assembly
bolt clockwise to raise the end being adjusted and
counterclockwise to lower it.
Figure 4-2: Nip Setting Assembly
4. Adjust the nip so that there is an even line of light
across the width of the rolls.
5. Secure the jam nut on the lift assembly bolt.
6. Replace the cabinet cover.
The main roll must be at room temperature to
achieve a proper nip setting.
Properly Set Nip
(Distance Between
Rolls is Equal)