ORCA-IV Image Transfer Laminator Operation Manual
© GBC Pro-Tech 1998 October
1. See process chart 3-1 and diagram 3-1a for mate-
rial mounting instructions and machine adjust-
2. Web the vinyl up around the bottom main roll and
over to the pull roll. Make sure the material is
webbed straight and lower the pull roll to hold the
3. Web the paper through as shown in diagram 3-1a.
Often, when paper is not on a core, hand tension must
be applied to the paper in order to maintain transfer
quality until the end of the transferred image.
It is very important that the ORCA-IV Image Transfer
Laminator is shut down in proper manner. If not, the
rolls can be damaged or destroyed.
1. Raise the upper main roll and upper pull roll so that
the rolls do not make contact with the bottom rolls.
2. Turn off the main power to the machine.
3. Disconnect the air supply to the machine if the
machine is not to be used for the next several days.
Failure to follow this procedure can result in
damage to the rolls.
The main and pull rolls must always be in the up
position when the machine is not in use.